Two former Valley Baseball League players were selected Sunday evening in the first round of the 2024 Major League Baseball draft.

Former Harrisonburg Turks IF Seaver King was taken No. 10 by the Washington Nationals while former Charlottesville Tom Sox pitcher Trey Yesavage was selected N0. 20 by the Toronto Blue Jays.

King started his collegiate career at Division II Wingate before playing this season in the ACC at Wake Forest. King .308 at Wake with a career-best 16 home runs and was one of three first-round selections from Wake Forest.

Yesavage was the ace of the East Carolina staff. He went 18-2 with a 2.28 ERA over his final two seasons with the Pirates.

This is the second consecutive draft that the VBL has had two first-round picks. In 2023, Wyatt Langford (Tom Sox) and Rhett Lowder (Strasburg Express) were selected in the first round.